Friday, August 24, 2012

flightless bird


*mind that 'X' sunburn -_- 

selfmade vintage paisley shirt
forever21 skirt
adorable projects fringe flats
unbranded ring
bracelet from KL

Buon Pomerigio! Come stai? haha.. mind my sudden-speak-italian mood. im learning this sexy language by the way. internet's being crappy, im so screwed. today did something useless. went to trad market to fix my clothes (obras, i dont know whats this in english -_-) and d stores are all still closed. ah. i might be mistaken when i read the date they open again. without obras, i can do nothing with my clothes. :( so as i promised to my dog, i groomed him yay!
made that shirt few weeks ago. im so on fire to make clothes lately :P
i know maybe this blog is kinda time counter for me haha.. every post i'll say... x weeks to college. lol. mind that. im so excited. cant wait. it's 7 days to go!! wow. 5 months have past so fast just realized that :D
anyway, im in confusion between cut my fringe short and straight or keep it long. im a bit uncomfortable with my fringe nowadays but i cant be sure shud i cut it or no. shud i be satisfied or regretting it. :3 so can anyone kindly give me feedback or suggestion what should i do with my fringe? and maybe my hair. haha.. thankies yankies!
oh and i made that tribal nail art by myself too what do you think? :)


  1. i've been learning italian too! hahaha. that shirt is fantastic Anya.about the bangs, i'd say try retaining it for a little more and see how it looks longer. you can always cut it once you're more certain that long bangs aren't for you, but if you have them cut now, it'd require a lot more time to grow ;)


  2. lovely nail art <3

  3. i love ur ring and nails <3

  4. awesome top!!! and for your fringe, i believe you'll look good with short bangs ala Lea Michelle. You should try!! :D

  5. Beautiful your skirt.*_*
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